Coronavirus Disease 2019
CSTE After Hours / Epi-On-Call
Contact List
E-cigarette (or Vaping) Product Use-Associated Lung Injury
CSTE Emergency Preparedness and Response
CSTE supports state, tribal, local and territorial (STLT) epidemiologists during public health emergency responses by providing forums for bidirectional communication between federal response agencies and CSTE members, information and resource sharing, and technical assistance on the epidemiological response to facilitate a more effective, coordinated national response.
CSTE’s Concept of Operations (ConOps) Plan provides the CSTE National Office with operational guidance for response to natural disasters, disease outbreaks, environmental catastrophes, and other public health emergencies. The ConOps Plan articulates four levels of activation ranging from monitoring (level 1) to full activation with an Incident Command System (level 4) to support member needs. Because each event is unique, CSTE’s involvement in response activities may vary widely. Often, a request of support from federal partners or needs identified by member states and territories will dictate the level of response required of CSTE. For questions related to CSTE’s role in public health emergency responses, contact
General Information
For more information on CSTE’s Preparedness and Response activities, please contact the CSTE National Office at
Most Current Public Health Information
For the most up-to-date information on a domestic response to an outbreak or public health emergency, please visit CDC’s website.
Healthcare Related Questions
If you have healthcare–related questions, please contact your local healthcare provider or your local or state health department directly.
Media Inquiries
If you are a member of the media requesting additional information, please email
Response-specific Inquiries
For response specific inquiries, please contact the CSTE National Office, Monday-Friday, 8:00 am-4:30 pm ET at (770) 458-3811 or call the after-hours line at (678) 256-3945.
Helpful Contact Lists
After Hours/Epi-On-Call Contact List